Press calls the chosen method when the touch event on the element lasts longer than 250 milliseconds.

Hold the button to remove the mask from the image
Press duration
Touch event press with custom duration.

Hold the button to remove the mask from the image with 5 seconds
The callback on tap event is called with an object containing origin field - the x and y cooridinates of the user's touch.

Tap button to change a color
Double Tap
Set default taps to touch event.

Change background color with 2 taps
The pan event is useful for dragging elements - every time the user moves a finger on the element to which the directive is attached to, the given method is being called with an argument consisting of two keys: x and y (the values corresponds to the horizontal and vertical translation).

Pan Left
Pan with only left direction.

Pan Right
Pan with only right direction.

Pan Up/Down
Pan with only up/down direction.

The pinch event calls the given method with an object containing two keys - ratio and origin. The first one it the ratio of the distance between user's fingers on touchend to the same distance on touchstart - it's particularly useful for scaling images. The second one, similarly as in doubleTap event, is a pair of coordinates indicating the middle point between the user's fingers.

Swipe Left/Right
The swipe event comes with several modifiers (left, right, up, down) - each of them will ensure that event will fire only on swipe in that particular direction. If the directive is used without any modifier, the callback method will be called each time the swiping occurs, and the string indicating the direction will be passed as an argument.
This example shows example with left and right:

Swipe Left-Right to change a color
Swipe Up/Down
This example shows example with up and down:

Swipe Up-Down to change a color
This example shows example with rotate: