Top quality
open-source UI Kit

Powerful components for Tailwind CSS. Consistent design & advanced functionalities.

  1. 500+ UI components
  2. Super simple, 1 minute installation
  3. Easy theming and customization
  4. Free hosting
TE light main components preview TE dark main components preview

Compatible with top frameworks & tools

Explore dedicated packages for most popular tools:

Standard Tailwind

React 18


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...or integrate standard TW Elements with your favourite tool:













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Key components that will save your time

Open source license

A collection of stunning components made with attention to the smallest details. Forms, cards, buttons, and hundreds of others – in Tailwind Elements you will find all the essential elements necessary for every project.

TE light essential components preview TE dark essential components preview

Easy theming

Dark mode and custom themes

With TW Elements, adding a dark mode to your project is child's play. Using tailwind's classes in combination with a dark variant you can easily integrate any website with two themes. We have included the dark theme variant by default in all our components!

In addition, as in any tailwind project, it is possible to customize the default theme by overwriting project's color palette, type scale, fonts, breakpoints, border radius values, and more via tailwind.config.js configuration file.

TE light theme components preview TE dark theme components preview

A design system that will make your projects stand out

Elegant, subtle and classy

Tired of the default Material Design, but still want to use the potential of a Google standard? The TW Elements design system, called Material Minimal, is the perfect choice for you – it combines the best of Material Design, but adds subtlety, elegance and a unique taste to it.

TE light design-system components preview TE dark design-system components preview

Customize whatever you want

Powerful and simple API

Components, navigation, forms – TW Elements provides an easy-to-use API that allows you to customize everything according to your needs and taste.

We enable class customization of all elements nested inside advanced components. The same goes for options and even icons. We give full freedom to choose a set of icons in the project. You can even select several different libraries and our components will display any icon easily.

TE light customize whatever you want components preview TE dark customize whatever you want components preview

Community support

Our joint work and passion

Our source code is publicly available, as is project management. We are grateful for every submitted issue or feature request. Thanks to this, we can constantly develop and improve the quality of our UI KIT, together with you!

TE light community support components preview TE dark community support components preview

Use MDB GO - Free hosting & deployment tool

Publish with a single command

  1. Step 1

    Create a free account

    30 seconds, a few clicks, and it's done.

    If you already have an account on you don't need to register, you can just use that.

  2. Step 2

    Install the MDB CLI

    Open your terminal and install the MDB CLI globally by entering the command below.

    npm install -g mdb-cli >
  3. Step 3

    Log in

    Enter the following command in the terminal, and then log in using your details from step 1.

    mdb login >
  4. Step 4

    Publish your project to the internet

    In the terminal, go to the folder where your project is located. Then enter the command below, accept or fill in your project's options and it's ready! After a few seconds, your project will be available on the Internet. And yes, it is that simple.

    mdb publish >

This is just the beginning of the adventure. To find out about all the possibilities, go to the getting started page.

Coming soon

Templates, Builder, Tutorials, new Design Blocks, new Components

We are planning to release new elements and improvements in the upcoming future as well as try to launch this project on sites like Product Hunt.

We will be honored if you decide to leave your email address in order to keep in touch and support us in this.

Waiting list
TE light template components preview TE dark template components preview